Author: Leonardo Espin
Date: 5/07/2019
So we need to find the largest $i$ s.t. $j=i-1 \leq nx$ which is int(n*x)
import numpy.random as random
def fairDice(n=6):
return int(n*x)+1
samples=[fairDice() for i in range(10000)]
#the dice seems fair when we plot the distribution
import seaborn as sns
#for suppressing seaborn warnings
import warnings
#chi-squared test for the dice:
from scipy.stats import chi2
from scipy.stats import chisquare #just for computing the statistic
counts={i:samples.count(i) for i in range(1,7)}
chis=[N*6*(x/N-1/6)**2 for x in counts.values()]
error=sum(chis)#the observed error
#the line below returns the observed error and the survival function
#value (1-cumulative dist.) for the error. which are not very useful
#but I use it to check that the statistic is properly calculated
#the critical value for a 95 percentile for 5 degrees of freedom chi^2
print('\nThe chi-square critical value for a 95% significance level\nwith 5 degrees of freedom is {:.2f}'.format(critical))
print('\nsince the observed error {:.2f} is less than the critical value\n{:.2f} we can\'t reject the hyp. that the dice is fair'.format(error,critical))
For simulating a loaded dice we can recycle the code for a fair dice above.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
4/12 | 1/12 | 1/12 | 1/12 | 4/12 | 1/12 |
loadedSamples=[fairDice(12) for i in range(10000)]
loadedSamples=list(map(lambda x:twelve2six[x],loadedSamples))
#this dice is obvously not fair:
#chi-squared test for the dice:
lcounts={i:loadedSamples.count(i) for i in range(1,7)}
lchis=N*[6*(x/N-1/6)**2 for x in lcounts.values()]
print('\nThe chi-square critical value for a 99.9% significance level\nwith 5 degrees of freedom is {:.2f}'.format(supercritical))
print('\nsince the observed error {:.2f} is more than the critical value\n{:.2f} we reject the hyp. that the dice is fair with 99.9% confidence'.format(lerror,supercritical))